Community Engagement Rules

Our tools don’t just work because of the awesome tech. They work because they are based on five rules for successful community engagement.

  • Rule One

Get Your Contacts in Order

Knowing who you might need to contact and how to reach them is the first communication hurdle every organization has to overcome.

  • Rule Two

Plan in Advance

There’s nothing worse than getting hit with an emergency, pipeline break, natural disaster, or unexpected contamination event when you and your team are unprepared. Rule Two is the cure.

  • Rule Three

Prepare for Delivery

Now that you have overcome the hurdle of getting contact information and preparing messages, it is important to figure out how to get your messages to the people who need to hear them.

  • Rule Four

Make it Easy

Making it easier for citizens to contact you can actually save time, money, and a lot of extra headaches…when it is done the right way.

  • Rule Five

Show Your Value

Don’t let monthly billings be the only time your residents hear from you. Trust is built with every successful interaction.

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Utility Communications Experts

Communication Is Key

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Let 5 simple rules transform your interactions with the public.

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